Configuration Migration Packages and other Vault features refer to certain elements of a Vault’s configuration as component types. Learn more about component types in the Vault Developer Portal.
Vault supports the following component types:
Component Type Name | Component Type Label | Applies To |
Accountmessage | User Account Email | Vault |
Appsecurityrule | Application Security Rule | Vault Objects |
Atomicsecurity | Atomic Security | Objects |
Casechildconfig | Case Child Record | Objects in MedInquiry Vaults |
Checklisttype | Checklist Type | Objects |
Customwebapi | Custom WebApi | SDK Code |
Dashboard | Dashboard | Documents, Objects, Other |
Docfield | Document Fields | Documents |
Docfielddependency | Field Dependencies | Documents |
Docfieldlayout | Document Field Layout | Documents |
Doclifecycle | Document Lifecycles | Documents |
Documentstagegroup | Document Lifecycle Stage Group | Documents |
Docmatchingrule | Document Matching Sharing Rule | Documents |
Docrelationshiptype | Document Relationship Types | Documents |
Docparticipantrule | Document Participant Rules | Documents |
Doctype | Document Types | Documents |
Emailprocessor | Email Processor | SDK Code |
Formattedoutput | Formatted Output | Objects |
Inboundemailaddress | Inbound Email Address | Objects |
Job | Job Definition | Vault |
Layoutprofile | Layout Profile | Objects |
Layoutrule | Layout Rule | Objects |
Lifecyclestatetype | Lifecycle State Type | Objects |
Lifecyclestatetypeassociation | Lifecycle State Type Association | Objects |
Link | Web Actions | Documents, Objects |
Messagedeliveryeventhandler | Spark Message Delivery Event Handler | SDK Code |
Matchingrule | Matching Sharing Rules | Objects |
Mobileshareactionconfig | Share Action | Mobile Share Actions |
Mobiletab | Mobile Tab | Vault Mobile |
Notificationtemplate | Document Messages, Object Messages, Login Message | Documents, Objects, Vault |
Object | Objects | Objects |
Objectlifecycle | Object Lifecycles | Objects |
Objectlifecyclestagegroup | Object Lifecycle Stage Group | Objects |
Objecttype | Object Types | Objects |
Objectworkflow | Object Workflows | Objects |
Objectvalidation | Object Validation | Objects |
Outboundemaildomain | Outbound Email Domain | MedInquiry, Clinical, and QMS Vaults with Outbound Email Domains enabled |
Overlaytemplate | Overlay Template | Documents |
Pagelayout | Object Page Layout | Objects |
Permissionset | Permission Sets | Vault |
Picklist | Picklists | Documents, Objects |
Printableviewtestscript | Printable View Test Script | Quality Vaults with Vault Validation Management enabled |
Qmsautomationusertemplate | QMS Automation User Template | Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled |
Qmsactionpathconfiguration | QMS Action Path Configuration | Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled |
Qualityexternalnotification | Quality External Notification | Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled |
Qualityexternalnotificationtemplate | Quality External Notification Template | Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled |
Qualityincidentintakelayout | Quality Intake Layout | Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled |
Qualityobjectrelationshipconfig | Quality Object Relationship Config | Objects in Quality Vaults |
Qualityreasonforchange | Quality Reason for Change | Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled |
Qualityrecordcheck | Quality Record Check | Objects in Quality Vaults |
Qualityrecordcheckinsight | Quality Record Check Insight | Objects in Quality Vaults |
Qualityrecordchecklifecycleassociation | Quality Record Check Lifecycle Association | Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled |
Qualityreportabilitydecisiontreeconfig | Quality Reportability Decision Tree | Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS or VPS enabled |
Qualityteam | Quality Team | Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled |
Queue | Queue | SDK Code |
Recordmergeeventhandler | Record Merge Event Handler | SDK Code |
Recordworkflowaction | Record Workflow Action | Objects |
Relatedrecordsetup | Related Record Setup | Objects in Quality Vaults |
Renditionprofile | Rendition Profile | Documents |
Renditiontype | Rendition Type | Documents |
Report | Reports | Documents, Objects, Other |
Rimeventchangedetail | RIM Event Change Detail | Objects in RIM Vaults |
Rimeventchangetype | RIM Event Change Type | Objects in RIM Vaults |
Rolepermissionset | Role Permission Set | Vault |
Reporttype | Report Types | Documents, Objects, Other |
Sdkjob | SdkJob | SDK Code |
Savedview | Saved View | Vault |
Searchablefield | Searchable Object Fields | Objects |
Searchcollection | Search Collections | Objects |
Securityprofile | Security Profiles | Vault |
Sharingrule | Custom Sharing Rules | Objects |
Signaturepage | Signature Page | Documents |
Tab | Tabs | Objects, Documents, Other |
Tabcollection | Tab Collection | Vault |
Tagsecurityrule | Tag Security Rule | Vault Objects |
Vaulttoken | Vault Token | Vault |
Visualhierarchyconfiguration | Visual Hierarchy Configurations | Objects |
Webapigroup | WebApi Group | Custom WebApi components |
Workflow1 | Document Workflows | Documents |
- When using the Workflow component type with Vault Compare, Vault only compares active document workflow versions.↩