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Survey Data Specifications

Exporting survey data from MyVeeva Studio generates a .CSV file with the following data specifications.

Actual Column Heading Full Name of Column Heading Format Description of Data
ROWID Row ID None enforced The unique identifier of the row in the data export
STUDYID Study Label Char(128) The study label as it appears in eCOA Vault
SITEID Site ID Char(128) The study site number as it appears in eCOA Vault
USUBJID Participant ID Char(128) The participant's ID as entered by the site
VISITNAM Event Label Char(100) The label of the event from the collection that started the schedule for this survey
VISITSEQ Event Sequence None enforced, typically Num(4) The sequence number of the event from the collection that started the schedule for this survey
SCHED Additional Schedule Detail Char(128) Details of the schedule that triggered the survey
QSCATID Survey ID None enforced The survey's unique ID in eCOA Vault
QSCAT Survey Label Char(100) The official label of the survey
QSINST Survey Instance None enforced, typically Num(4)
  • The instance of the survey
  • For As-Needed surveys, the instance number indicates the number of times it has been filled out
QSCATCD Study Survey ID Char(36) The unique identifier of the survey in the study collection
QSCATDIS Survey Display Label Char(100) The display label of the survey
QSSEQ Question Number Char(255) The question number of this question
QSTEST Question None enforced, typically Char(2500) The question text
QSTESTCD Question Unique Identifier Char(100) The unique identifier of this question
QSTYPE Question Type Char(100)
  • For survey questions, the type of question
  • For calculated scores, score
QSMETHOD Question Method Char(100)
  • For survey questions, the method by which the question was answered.
  • For calculated scores, Score
QSSTAT Question Status Char(8)
  • The status of a question
  • Populates as NOT DONE if the participant selected an optional answer
  • Does not populate if the participant provided a standard response
QSREASND Question Not Done Reason None enforced, typically Char(100)
  • If the respondent selected an optional answer, the selected value
  • Does not populate if the respondent selected or provided a standard response
QSORRES Answer Char(1500)
  • For question blocks, the value selected or provided by the respondent
  • For calculated scores, the score value and any text configured to appear with the score
QSORRESU Answer Label Char(100)
  • Only populates for number entry questions
  • The label of the number entry question's answer field
QSSTRESC Answer Unique ID Char(1500)
  • The unique identifier for the value selected or provided by the respondent
  • Answers that do not have an identifier (eg. number scale) are included as-is
QSSTRESU Answer Name Char(100)
  • Only populates for number entry questions
  • The identifier of the number entry question's answer field
QSDRVFL Derived Flag Char(1)
  • Populates as Y if the data was derived by a scoring calculation
  • Does not populate if the data represents a survey question
QSTESTDT Question Completion Time (UTC) date The UTC datetime when the question was completed by the respondent
QSLANG Language Char(200) The language the survey was displayed in at the time the respondent submitted the survey
QSDTCST Start Time (UTC) date The UTC datetime when the survey was started by the respondent
QSDTC Completion Time (UTC) date The UTC datetime when the survey was submitted by the respondent
QSTZ Time Zone Char(200) The time zone of the respondent at the time they submitted the survey
QSEVAL Completed By Char(200)
  • Who completed the survey
  • The value of PARTICIPANT, CAREGIVER or SITE STAFF is displayed in this field.

Compliance Data Specifications

Exporting compliance data from MyVeeva Studio generates a .CSV file with the following data specifications:

Column Heading Description of Data
Study Number The study label as it appears in eCOA Vault
Site ID The applicable site's ID as it appears in SiteVault
Participant ID The participant's ID as it appears in SiteVault
Event Label The label of the survey's start event
Event Sequence The sequence number of the survey's start event
Additional Schedule Detail Details of the schedule that triggered the survey
Item Type
  • The type of the survey
  • This field always populates as either eCOA Survey or eClinRO Survey.
Item Unique ID The survey's unique ID.
Item Label The survey's label
Item Instance
  • The instance of the survey
  • For As-Needed surveys, the instance number indicates the number of times it has been filled out
Item Label The survey's label
Item Display Label The survey's display label
Assigned To The role of the person responsible for responding to the survey
Adherence Status
  • The adherence status of the survey
    • AVAILABLE: Survey is available for completion.
    • CANCELED: Survey available but then was made not available due to site user action or study upversion. Scenarios include:
      • The event that started the survey schedule had the date and time removed.
      • The survey schedule was ended by another event.
      • A new study version was activated with a change that affected the ongoing schedule.
    • COMPLIANT: Survey was submitted before the due datetime.
    • LATE: Survey was submitted after the due datetime. This submission type occurs in the rare scenario where the respondent has the survey open when the datetime passes and then submits it.
    • MISSED: Survey was not completed before the due datetime.
First Available Datetime (UTC) The UTC datetime when the survey first became available to the respondent
Due Datetime (UTC) The UTC datetime when the survey was due for the respondent
Start Datetime (UTC)
  • The UTC datetime when the respondent started the survey
  • Only populates if the survey was started
Completion Datetime (UTC)
  • The UTC datetime when the respondent submitted the survey
  • Only populates if the survey was submitted
Completion Time Zone
  • The time zone of the respondent at the time they submitted the survey
  • Only populates if the survey was submitted
Completed By
  • Who completed the survey
  • The value of PARTICIPANT, CAREGIVER, or SITE STAFF is displayed in this field.
  • Only populates if the survey was submitted
Database Entry Datetime (UTC)
  • The UTC datetime when the data for the survey entered the database
  • Only populates if the survey was submitted
  • If an eCOA survey, The MyVeeva for Patients application platform the participant or caregiver used to submit
  • Options include Android, iOS, and Web
  • Only populates if the survey was submitted
Language The language the survey was displayed in at the time the respondent submitted the survey or the survey was due

Audit Trail Data Specifications

Exporting audit trail data from MyVeeva Studio generates a .CSV file with the following data specifications:

Column Heading Description of Data
Vault ID The unique identifier of the eCOA Vault
Study ID The unique identifier of the study in eCOA Vault
Study Name The study label as it appears in eCOA Vault
User ID The unique identifier of the eCOA Vault user who performed the action
Vault Username The username of the eCOA Vault user who performed the action
Action Performed at (UTC) The UTC datetime when the action was performed
Audit Action
  • The action being audited
Event Description
  • Full description of the audited event
  • Examples include Collection created, Language added, Study Survey up-versioned, and Caregiver assigned to a participant
Item Name
  • The label of the item being audited
  • Examples include COLLECTION, EVENT, and STUDY_SURVEY
Item ID The unique identifier of the audited item
Item Data
  • The referenced data within the item being audited
  • Examples include Collection v1 : Study Withdrawal and Collection v1 : Japanese (ja)
  • The referenced field within the item being audited
  • Does not populate if no field exists
  • Examples include reviewed, licensed, and display_label
Old Value
  • The old value of the referenced field within the item being audited
  • Does not populate if no old value exists
  • Examples include No, Easy, and Pain Survey
New Value
  • The new value of the referenced field within the item being audited
  • Does not populate if no new value exists
  • Examples include Yes, Moderate, and New Pain Survey
Reason for Change
  • Contains the reason for a data change
  • This field only populates if a data change is requested by a site and processed by Veeva.

Data Changes Specifications

Exporting data changes data from Studio generates a .CSV file with the following data specifications:

Column Heading Description of Data
Study Number The study name as it appears in eCOA Vault
Site ID The applicable site’s ID as it appears in SiteVault
Participant ID The participant’s ID as entered by the site
Event Label The label of the survey’s start event
Event Sequence The sequence number of the survey’s start event
Additional Schedule Detail Details of the schedule which triggered the survey
Survey Type
  • The type of the survey
  • This field always populates as either eCOA Survey or eClinRO Survey.
Survey Label The survey’s label
Survey Instance
  • The instance of the survey.
  • For As-Needed surveys, the instance number indicates the number of times it has been filled out.
Survey Label The survey’s official label
Data Change ID The identifier for the data change.
Question The question text
  • For survey questions, the method by which the question was answered.
  • For calculated scores, “Score”
Previous Value
  • The old value of the referenced field within the item being audited
  • Does not populate if no old value exists
  • Examples include “No”, “Easy”, and “Pain Survey”
New Value
  • The new value of the referenced field within the item being audited
  • Does not populate if no new value exists
  • Examples include “No”, “Easy”, and “New Pain Survey”
Reason for Change
  • Contains the reason for a data change
  • This field only populates if a data change is requested by a site and processed by Veeva.
Vault Username The username of the eCOA Vault user who performed the action
Date Change Datetime (UTC)
  • The UTC datetime of when the data change was made
  • Only populates if the survey was submitted
Initial Completion Datetime (UTC)
  • The UTC datetime when the respondent submitted the survey
  • Only populates if the survey was submitted